Putting Integrity Into Finance: A Purely Positive Approach, published by The Center on Capitalism and Society at Columbia University in their Journal: Capitalism and Society, Volume 12, Issue 1, May 2017
Leaders: Strategies for Taking Charge, by Warren G. Bennis and Burt Nanus. New York: HarperCollins, 2003.
Who Moved My Cheese? An Amazing Way to Deal with Change, in Your Work and in Your Life, by Spencer Johnson, M.D. New York: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1998.
“Resistance and the Background Conversations of Change,” by Jeffrey D. Ford, Laurie W. Ford, and Randall T. McNamara. Journal of Organizational Change Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, 2002.
Inventing Reality, Physics as Language, by Bruce Gregory. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1990. Bruce Gregory writes, " I owe my appreciation of the immense power of the myth of "is" to Werner Erhard's relentless committment to making a difference in my life. Absent his unremitting efforts to uncover the role of speaking in shaping experience, this book never would have been written."
Real Leadership: Helping People and Organizations Face Their Toughest Challenges, by Dean Williams. San Francisco: Berrett-Koehler Publishers, Inc., 2005.
True to our Roots: Fermenting a Business Revolution, by Paul Dolan with Thom Elkjer. Princeton, N.J.: Bloomberg Press, 2003.
Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Communication: Changing the Nature of the Conversation, by Peter Block, 2005 (
“Transforming the Network of Conversations in BHP New Zealand Steel: Landmark Education Business Development’s New Paradigm for Organizational Change,” by David C. Logan. Marshall School of Business Case L984-01, University of Southern California, 1998.
“The Promise of Philosophy and the Landmark Forum,” by Steven R. McCarl, Steve Zaffron, Joyce McCarl Nielsen, and Sally Lewis Kennedy. Contemporary Philosophy, Vol. 23, Nos. 1 & 2, Jan./Feb. & Mar./Apr., 2001, pp. 51-59.
You Are What You Say: The Proven Program That Uses the Power of Language to Combat Stress, Anger, and Depression, by Matthew Budd, M.D., and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D. New York: Three Rivers Press, 2001.
You Are What You Say: A Harvard Doctor’s Six-Step Proven Program for Transforming Stress Through the Power of Language, by Matthew Budd, M.D. and Larry Rothstein, Ed.D. New York: Crown Publishers, 2000.
The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life, by Rosamund Stone Zander and Benjamin Zander. Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 2000.
“The Science of Consciousness—The Next Scientific Paradigm,” by William A. Guillory, Ph.D., December 23, 2000.
“Always in Character: Jeff Bridges, He Plays for Keeps – as an Actor and a Man,” by Annette Tapert. Town & Country, August 2005.
“Civic Engagement and the Restoration of Community—Changing the Nature of the Conversation,” Civic Engagement Series, Sponsored by A Small Group, 2004
Legacy: What The All Blacks Can Teach Us About The Business of Life, by James Kerr. Constable, November 7, 2013
“A Shortcut to Motivated and Adaptive Workforces, Phase 1 Results.” The Talent Foundation (, London, June 2000.
Surfing the Edge of Chaos: The Laws of Nature and the New Laws of Business, by Richard T. Pascale, Mark Millemann, and Linda Gioja. New York: Crown Business, 2000.
“Honoring Werner for Our Start,” by Dollene Spencer. Youth At Risk Newsletter, April 2004.
Olga Nietta Loffredi and Steve Zaffron, “High Performance Teams: a New Paradigm.” Developers’ CIO Magazine, Brazil, September, 1999.
Look the Future Straight in the Eye: Action Beyond the Great Postmodern Jeremiad, by Tom Riley. Frederick, Md.: PublishAmerica, 2004.
“Personal-Growth Sector: Candles. Classes. E-Meters. From Kabbalah to the Landmark Forum, Self-improvement Doesn’t Come Cheap,” by Jacob Bernstein. New York Magazine, June 21, 2004.
Self Improvement: The Top 101 Experts That Help us Improve our Lives, by David Riklan. Marlboro, N.J.: Self Improvement Online, Inc. 2004.
“Interfaith Advocate for Including Everyone at the Table,” by Sharon Abercrombie. Catholic San Francisco, May 14, 2004.
“Promises vs. Guarantees.” Humans and Computer: Writings on Projects, Language, and Design ( ), February 18, 2004.
“Is Self-Help the New Religion?” by Peter Silverton. Marie Claire (UK), July 4, 2003.
“So What is The Landmark Forum?” by Amelia Hill. London Observer, December 14, 2003.
Spiritually Incorrect: Finding God in All the Wrong Places, by Dan Wakefield, illustrations by Marian DelVecchio. SkyLight Paths Publishing, 2003.
“Wonder Landmark,” by Tomer Keren. Petach Tikva, Israel: The Green Newspaper January 30, 2003 (in Hebrew).
Self Realization, by Espy M. Navarro and Robert Navarro. Philadelphia, Pa.: Xlibris Corporation, 2002.
“Finding Each Other Through The Forum,” by Dianna Marder, Philadelphia Inquirer Sunday Magazine (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), January 27, 2002.
“‘Transformation’ in a Weekend?” by Oliver Libaw,, August 13, 2002.
Honest to God: A Change of Heart That Can Change the World, by Brad Blanton and Neale Donald Walsch. Stanley, Virginia: Sparrowhawk Publications, 2002.
Fish! Tales: Real Life Stories to Help You Transform Your Workplace and Your Life, by Stephen C. Lundin, John Christensen, and Harry Paul, with Philip Strand. New York: Hyperion, 2002.
“Repeat Offenders,” by Karen Miles. Good Medicine, April 2001.
“Victim Reaches Out, Robbed Shopkeeper Chooses to Aid Teens,” by Doug Mattson. The Union, April 2, 2001.
“Our Life Changing Experience,” by Ann Drew, The Probe (U.K.), June 2001.
“What Do You Like About Your Life?” by Ellen Snortland. Pasadena Weekly (Pasadena, California), June 28, 2001.
Coach Anyone About Anything: How to Help People Succeed in Business and Life, by Germaine Porché and Jed Niederer. Del Mar, Calif.: Wharton Publishing, 2001.
Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge, by Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus. HarperCollins, 1985.
Principles of Powerful Living, by Joe Rubino. Jaico Books, 2000.
Fish! A Remarkable Way to Boost Morale and Improve Results, by Stephen C. Lundin, Harry Paul, and John Christensen. New York: Hyperion, 2000.
“The Story of Our Lives,” by Vanora Bennett. London Times Magazine, July 2000.
Carlos Vasconcellos do Rio, “Landmark Uses Dialogue to Captivate,” Gazeta do Rio, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 2, 2000.
The IMC, Inc. Report: Evaluations of Landmark Education’s Programs.
The Harris Survey: Money: The Impact of Landmark’s Programs on Participants’ Income Levels.
Happy, Texas, a film directed by Mark Illsley, 1999.
The Shadow on the Path: Clearing the Psychological Blocks to Spiritual Development, by V.J. Fedorschak (Chapter 4, pages 118-122). Prescott, Arizona: Hohm Press, 1999.
“A Critical Analysis of the Transformative Model of Mediation,” by T.L. Kelly. Unpublished graduate paper, Portland State University, Portland, Ore., April 1999.
“The Best of est?” by Charlotte Faltermayer. Time Magazine, March 16, 1998.
“This Is It: est, Twenty Years Later,” by Eliezer Sobel. The Quest, Summer 1998.
Conversations with God: An Uncommon Dialogue (Books 1, 2, & 3), by Neale Donald Walsch. Charlottesville, Va.: Hampton Roads Publishing Company, Inc., 1998.
“Landmark Education Corporation: Selling a Paradigm Shift,” by Karen Hopper Wruck and Mikelle Fisher Eastley. Harvard Business School Case 9-898-081. President and Fellows of Harvard College, 1997 (revised April 22, 1998).
Christian Belief and the ‘New Awareness’: A Qualitative Sociological Study and a Theological Critique, by Gillian Paschkes-Bell. Master of Theology, University of Oxford, 1998.
Leadership and the Art of Conversation, by Kim H. Krisco. Prima Publishing, 1997.
“The Weekend That Changed My Life.” Teen Magazine (U.S.), February, 1997.
Radical Honesty: How to Transform Your Life By Telling the Truth, by Brad Blanton, Ph.D. New York: Dell Publishing, 1996.
“Landmark – a special partner in our success.” BHP San Manuel Update, a publication for BHP Copper Employees, Vol. 12, No. 5, May, 1996.
“Come On! There’s a New Life Waiting Over the Weekend,” by Jill P. Capuzzo. Philadelphia Inquirer (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania), March 1996.
“Breaking Out of the Box,” by Debra Feinstein. Benchmark, A Xerox Publication, Fall, 1989.
The Last Word on Power, by Tracy Goss. Currency, 1995.
“Create Breakthroughs in Performance by Changing the Conversation,” by Perry Pascarella. Industry Week, Vol. 233, No. 6 (June 15), 1987.
“Coaching and the Art of Management,” by Roger D. Evered and James C. Selman. In The Performance Measurement, Management, and Appraisal Sourcebook, edited by Douglas G. Shaw, Craig Eric Schneier, Ph.D., Richard W. Beatty, Ph.D., and Lloyd S. Baird, Ph.D. Amherst, Mass.: Human Resource Development Press, Inc., 1995.
“A New Paradigm for Educational Change,” by Robert J. Marzano, Steve Zaffron, Linda Zraik, Sanford L. Robbins, and Lois Yoon. Education, Vol. 116, No. 2, Winter 1995.
“Winning Ideas in Management: Distilled Wisdom: Buddy, Can You Paradigm?,” by Brian Dumaine. Fortune Magazine, May 15, 1995, pp. 205-206.
“Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Russia: Perspectives and Problems of International Technology Transfer and Investment,” by Eric Martinot, Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California at Berkeley, 1995. (
“An Ontological Approach to Education,” by Bruce Hyde. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Western States Communication Association, Portland, Oregon, February 1995.
“Discovering New Inner Strength,” by Eugene Koay. Texans Talk (Arlington, Texas), November 10, 1995.
“Erhard in Exile” by Dan Wakefield. Common Boundary, March/April 1994.
“Landmark Forum Can Make a Difference,” by Wyatt Emmerich. Northside Sun (Jackson, Mississippi), May 26, 1994.
“The Landmark Forum,” by Akasha. Sydney Tribune, June 1994.
“On Course for a Change,” by Sharon Walker. Health and Fitness Magazine, September 1993.
“The Reinvention Roller Coaster: Risking the Present for a Powerful Future” by Anthony Athos, Richard Pascale, and Tracy Goss. Harvard Business Review, Nov./Dec. 1993.
“Comparative Effects in Business and Education of an Intervention Designed to Produce Second Order Change,” by Robert J. Marzano and Linda Zraik. Technical report, Landmark Education Corporation, San Francisco, California, 1993.
60 Minutes and the Assassination of Werner Erhard: How America’s Top Rated Television Show Was Used In An Attempt To Destroy A Man Who Was Making A Difference, by Jane Self. Houston, Texas: Breakthru Publishing, 1992.
“3-Day Workshop for NHID Helps Fannie Mae Manage for the Future.” NewsLink, Fannie Mae Employees, Vol. 23, No. 10, October 1992.
“A Breakthrough Conference: Inventing the Future.” Newsletter for Aging in America, Winter 1991.
Jack A. Gilbert in Productivity Management, A Step-by-Step Guide for Health Care Professionals. (American Hospital Pub, 1990)
“The Psychological Effects of Participation in a Large Group Awareness Training: Final Report of a Longitudinal Investigation,” by J.D. Fisher, R. Cohen-Silver, J.M. Chinsky, B. Goff, and Y. Klar. University of Connecticut, 1989.
“Psychological Effects of Participation in a Large Group Awareness Training,” by J.D. Fisher, R. Cohen Silver, J.M. Chinsky, B. Goff, Y. Klar, and C. Zagieboylo. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, Vol. 57, No. 6, 1989, pp. 747-755.
The Yankelovich (DYG, Inc.) Study: Analysis of The Landmark Forum and Its Benefits (study conducted in 1989).
“Ending Hunger: The Era of Opportunity. The Commitments and Promises of The Hunger Project.” New York: The Hunger Project, 1988 (audiocassette).
“The Impact of The Forum on the Religious Beliefs and Practices of Participants,” by E. Babbie and J. Mantos. A report on the results of an independent survey by Arthur Young & Company, 1987.
“The Heart of the Matter.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1985 (set of three audiocassettes).
“Family, Tape 1: Between Parent and Child. Phyllis Allen.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1984 (audiocassette).
“What is the Possibility of Relationship? The Complete, Unabridged Course by Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1984 (set of three audiocassettes).
“The Forum Presents: Conversations with Werner Erhard, Volume I. Tape 1: Defining Your Life; Tape 2: On Problems; Tape 3: On Relationships.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (set of three audiocassettes).
“Questions and Answers: An Interview With Werner Erhard About The est Training.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (audiocassette).
“Taking a Stand for the Future. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1983 (audiocassette).
“Reflections on est Training from the Viewpoint of Two Correctional Psychologists,” by C.S. Moss and R.E. Hosford. International Journal of Eclectic Psychotherapy, Vol. 2, No. 1 (February), 1983, pp. 18-39.
“Shifts in the Countertransference Perceptions of Selected Psychotherapists Undergoing est Self-Awareness Training,” by Barbara Knight-Meyers, Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1983. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A, Vol. 44, No. 4 (October), 1983, p. 1031-A.]
“The End of Starvation: Creating an Idea Whose Time Has Come,” by Werner Erhard. The Hunger Project, San Francisco, 1982.
“Creation: A Matter of Distinction. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1982 (audiocassette).
“A Special Guest Seminar. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1981 (audiocassette).
“Parents: The Fundamental Relationship. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1981 (audiocassette).
“A World That Works for Everyone. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: est, an educational corporation, 1980 (audiocassette).
“Relationships: Making Them Work. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: Werner Erhard, 1980 (audiocassette).
“Research on Erhard Seminars Training in a Correctional Institution,” by R.E. Hosford, C.S. Moss, H. Cavior, and B. Kerish. Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1980.
“Erhard Seminars Training (est): A Theoretical and Empirical Inquiry,” by Denise Suzanne Puishes, Psy.D. Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey, 1979. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 40, No. 7 (January), 1980, p. 3417-B.]
“A Follow-Up of Personality Changes Subsequent to the Erhard Seminar Training (est),” by Douglas Lee Hazen, Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, 1980. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 41, No. 6 (December), 1980, p. 2322-B.]
"Ego Development, Cognitive Style, and the est Standard Training,” by John Martin Hartke, Ph.D. Temple University, 1980. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 41, No. 1 (July), 1980, p. 353-B.]
“Celebrating Your Relationships. Werner Erhard.” San Francisco: est, an educational corporation, 1979 (audiocassette).
Werner Erhard: The Transformation of a Man: The Founding of est, by William Warren Bartley, III. New York: Clarkson N. Potter, Inc., 1978.
Christianity and est, by Max B. Skousen. Marina del Ray, California: DeVorss & Company, 1978.
“est in Prison – General Overview,” by E. Babbie. American Journal of Corrections, Vol. 39, No. 6 (November/December), 1977, pp. 22-36 and Vol. 40, No. 1 (January/February), 1978, p. 25.
“A Description of the Erhard Seminars Training (est) in Terms of Behavior Analysis,” by D.M. Baer and S.B. Stolz. Behaviorism, Vol. 6, No 1 (Spring), 1978, pp. 45-70.
“Observations on 67 Patients Who Took Erhard Seminars Training,” by J. Simon. American Journal of Psychiatry, Vol. 135, No. 6 (June), 1978, pp.686-691.
“The Use of est as Adjunctive Therapy to Family-Focused Treatment,” by N.L. Paul. Journal of Marriage and Family Counseling, Vol. 4 (1), 1978, pp. 51-61.
“A Short Biography of John Denver”
“Reported Changes in Personality, Self Concept, and Personal Problems Following Erhard Seminars Training (est),” by Jeffrey Alan Weiss, Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology, San Diego, 1977. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section B, Vol. 38, No. 8 (February), 1978, pp. 3919-3920-B.]
Society by Agreement: An Introduction to Sociology, by Earl R. Babbie. Wadsworth Pub. Co., 1977.
“An Evaluation of the est Experience by a National Sample of Graduates,” by E. Babbie and D. Stone. Biosciences Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1977, pp. 123-140.
“An Evaluation of est as an Adjunct to Group Psychotherapy in the Treatment of Severe Alcoholism,” by J. Simon. Biosciences Communications, Vol. 3, No. 2, 1977, pp. 141-148.
est: 60 Hours that Transform your Life, by Adelaide Bry. New York: Harper & Row, 1976.
Making Work Work: A Leader’s Guide to Creating an Extraordinary Organization, by Scott Hunter. Irvine, Calif.: Hunter Alliance Press, 2004.
Getting It: The Psychology of est, by Dr. Sheridan Fenwick. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott, 1976.
est: Four Days to Make Your Life Work, by William Greene. Pocketbooks, 1976.
est: Making Life Work, by Robert A. Hargrove. New York: Dell Publishing, 1976.
The est Experience, by James Kettle. Zebra Books, 1976.
est: The Movement and the Man, by Pat R. Marks. Playboy Press 1976.
The est Experience, by Donald Porter and Diane Taxson. Award Books, 1976.
The Book of est, by Luke Rhinehart. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1976.
“Erhard Seminars Training: A Longitudinal Study of its Psychological Effects, Using Selected Scales Measured by the California Psychological Inventory,” by Leilani Lewis, Ph.D. California School of Professional Psychology, Berkeley, 1976. [Cited in American Doctoral Dissertations 1976-1977 (Index), p. 364.]
“The est Experience: A Contextual Approach to Education,” by Frank Ronald Siccone, Ed.D. University of Massachusetts, 1976. [Cited in Dissertation Abstracts International, Section A, Vol. 37, No. 4 (October), 1976, pp. 2087-2088-B.]
“Castro Valley Unified School District, Title III, Parents as Partners,” by R. Hoepfner. Summertime Evaluation Report, 1975.
est: Playing the Game the New Way, by Carl Frederick. New York: Dell Publishing, 1974.
“Evaluation of the Erhard Seminars Training,” by C.S. Moss and G. Morrell. Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1974.
“Continued Evaluation of the Erhard Seminars Training,” by C.S. Moss, J.E. Tufte, and W.R. Anderson. Federal Correctional Institution, Lompoc, California, 1974.
“Abstracts of The Behaviordyne Report on Psychological Changes After Taking the Erhard Seminars Training,” by M. Tondow, R. Teague, J. Finney, and G. LeMaistre. Palo Alto, California, 1973.
“A Report of Psychological Changes Measured 18 Months after Taking Erhard Seminars Training,” by L. Lewis. San Francisco: est, 1973.
“Psychological and Physiological Changes Measured After Taking the Erhard Seminars Training,” by R. Ornstein, C. Swencionis, A. Deikman, and R. Morris. San Francisco: est (unpublished), 1973.

At all times and under all circumstances, we have the power to transform the quality of our lives.
Fortune magazine's 40th Anniversary issue (May 15, 1995), in examining the major contributions to management thinking, recognized Werner Erhard’s creation of est as the major innovation of the 1970s in shaping modern management thinking toward empowering people.